Services clé en main adapté pour vos projets de contraction
Nous offrons un service
Our aim is to provide you with a quality service at a reasonable cost and to make an unfamiliar process, as easy and fast as possible. We offer full range of Notary Public services to clients, who require assistance on a range of issues like certification of identity of directors, secretaries and other company officers, authenticating documents, corporate powers of attorney, verifying education certificates and professional qualifications for emigration or working overseas and much more.
    Clé en main
    Notre bureau, personnel et salle de montre font parti de notre réussite et de la vôtre.
    • Confirmation of documents
    • Providing notarial certificate attesting the authenticity of documents and signatures
    • Statement, a written statement under oath, and confirmation
    • Confirmation notarial birth certificates, marriage certificates and death certificate
    • Translation of foreign documents into English and from English to other
    • Confirming translations from foreign languages into English and from English into foreign languages
    • Legalisation at Foreign and Commonwealth Office and at foreign consulates and embassies
    • Verify education certificates/professional qualifications for emigration or working overseas
    Fixer un rendez-vous!
    Les clients qui fixe un rendez-vous seront pris en charge par notre équipe d'expert en tout-temps.
    heure du rendez-vous